- Surgical Magnification Web Site

What is it?
This Web Site was established by the Surgical Telescope Evaluation
Program (S.T.E.P.) at the University of British
Columbia in order to provide information, service, and forums for discussion and
research on all matters related to surgical magnification and surgical telescopes.

For whom is it intended?
All microsurgeons, including:
- dentists
- cardiovascular surgeons
- opththalmological surgeons
- neurological surgeons
- opticians
- optometrists
- general medical practitioners
- dental hygienists and dental assistants
- faculty in dental schools and colleges
- faculty in medical schools and residency programs
- ergonomic researchers
- manufacturers of surgical magnification equipment
- manufacturers of general surgical and dental equipment
- distributors and sales and service personnel who must deal with
sales, fitting, and service of surgical magnification equipment
and anyone else with
an interest in Surgical

What services are available?
Online --- an e-mail service from anywhere in the Surgical Magnification Web
Site which allows you to ask anything you want from the S.T.E.P. Consultants
- Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQs) --- a good reference section for surgeons just beginning to use
magnification, or for those who have had difficulties with a particular system.
- The Surgical Telescope Evaluation Kit for
Surgeons --- you can request that a package of the evaluation grids and test
materials discussed in the Buyer's Guide be mailed or couriered to you.
- The
Surgical Telescope Primer --- what to look for in surgical magnification. This
guide will help you determine what considerations, qualities, and features are important
in your selection of a surgical telescope system. How can you be sure that you select a
system which was designed to meet your needs? Can you evaluate the optics and other
qualities of the unit which you have?

What services are planned?
- School surveys --- reports on surgical telescope usage in
dental schools, medical programs, and allied programs (what they are using, how they have
tested them, and what their experiences have been)
- Product Catalogues --- where manufacturers can display
available and upcoming products
- Look for the
online Journal of Surgical Ergonomics ---a fully refereed
publication scheduled for release in early 1998.

If you have comments or suggestions,


© 1996 Surgical Telescope Evaluation Program