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David Sweet O.C.

Professor Emeritus
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Rm: Retired June 30, 2020

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David Sweet O.C. graduated from UBC Dentistry in 1978. He maintained a private solo dental practice in Cranbrook, BC until 1984 when he was invited to return to UBC as a faculty member. In 1992 David was designated a certified specialist in forensic odontology (DABFO) by the American Board of Forensic Odontology. In 1995 he graduated from the University of Granada, Spain with a PhD (cum laude) in medicine and forensic medicine. Until 2020, as the Director of the BOLD Laboratory @ UBC Dentistry, David pursued improved methods to apply basic sciences and modern forensic techniques to evidence from crime scenes to assist the justice system in North America. Her Excellency Governor General Michaƫlle Jean invested Dr. Sweet as an Officer of the Order of Canada in December 2008 for his work in forensic science as a teacher, researcher and consultant. He was further recognized in 2014 by the Canadian Ministry of Defence with the Canadian Forces Medallion of Distinguished Service.