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Bonnie J. Craig

Dip. D. H., M. Ed., RDH
Professor Emerita
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Fax: 604-822-3562

Research Areas:

Advanced educational opportunities for dental hygienists

Teaching Areas:

Baccalaureate and masters-level dental hygiene

Professor Craig completed her dental hygiene education at the University of Manitoba and her Masters degree in Education at Simon Fraser University majoring in program and curriculum development. She has been an educator in both dental hygiene and dentistry at UBC for many years and is the founding Director of the Dental Hygiene Degree Program (DHDP). Professor Craig is the recipient of two national teaching awards - the Dental Hygiene Educators Canada Teaching Excellence Award and the ACFD/DCF National Dentistry Teaching Award. 
Her passion is developing advanced educational opportunities in Dental Hygiene. A special interest is the development, implementation and evaluation of an innovative multiple admissions approach to the Dental Hygiene Degree Program (DHDP) that makes the program very accessible to dental hygiene students applying with a variety of dental hygiene educational backgrounds. Another educational interest is the development, implementation, and evaluation of web-based, on-line academic courses that create access and flexibility for students. To date, Professor Craig has spearheaded the implementation of nine entirely web-based, online courses - Oral Pathology, Oral Microbiology & Immunology, Oral Epidemiology, Assessment and Treatment Planning for Advanced Periodontal Diseases, Literature Review I & II, Dental Hygiene Practice I & II and Current Issues in Oral Health Sciences. Since 2006 it has been possible for dental hygienists to complete the UBC Dental Hygiene Degree Program entirely by distance education. 
Since 2007 the DHDP has also offered the Entry-to-Practice Admission option whereby students undertake four years of dental hygiene education earning their Bachelor of Dental Science in Dental Hygiene degree in preparation for registration to practice as a dental hygienist. Currently UBC is the only university in Canada offering a 4-year DH degree opportunity. 
Professor Craig is a life member of the Canadian Dental Hygienists Association (CDHA) and the BC Dental Hygienists Association (BCDHA) in recognition of her many years of service. Currently she sits on the CDHA Educators Advisory Committee. She serves on numerous Faculty and University committees and is her second term as a UBC Senator.