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Dieter Brömme

MSc, PhD, DSc
Canada Research Chair in Proteases & Diseases
Coordinator, iMatrix Research Cluster
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Rm: Life Sciences Institute 4.558
2350 Health Sciences Mall
Tel: 604-822-1787
Fax: 604-822-3562

Research Areas:

Proteases and their involvement in health and disease

Teaching Areas:

Graduate Research Seminars

Dr. Dieter Brömme received his formal training (MSc and PhD) in Biochemistry from the Martin-Luther Universität (MLU) Halle-Wittenberg in Germany. The Halle-Wittenberg University was founded in 1502 (Wittenberg) and in 1694 (Halle) and represented the first modern research-driven university in Europe after which most European, North-American, and Japanese universities have been modeled. After graduation in the field of microbial proteases, Dr. Brömme worked as an academic scientist at the Institute of Biochemistry at the Faculty of Medicine at MLU and discovered his life-long passion for mammalian lysosomal cysteine proteases. Prior to joining the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC as a Tier I Canada Research Chair in 2004, he was a Senior Research Officer at the Biotechnology Research Institute in Montreal, QC (1991-1993), a project leader at the Biotech company Khepri Pharmaceuticals in San Francisco, CA (1993-1996), and an Associate/Full Professor at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, NY (1996-2004). 
Dr. Brömme has 209 entries in the Web of Sciences with an H-index of 60 (2018). Currently, there are 180 peer-reviewed publications listed on PubMed, which include publications in Structural Biology, PNAS, J Clin Investigations, and various leading Research Society and specialty journals in cell biology, biochemistry, skeletal, and cardiovascular research. His laboratory attracts collaborations, as well as trainees (summer students, graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and visiting scientists), from all continents and has been continuously funded by federal and society-based US and Canadian Institutions such as the NIH, CIHR, and NSERC.