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Batoul Shariati

DDS, MPH, PhD in Epidemiology, MSc in HTA
Clinical Professor


Research Areas:

Economic Evaluations;Survival Analysis

Teaching Areas:

Oral Epidemiology ;Statistics

Dr. Batoul Shariati is a Clinical Professor at UBC and an Associate Professor Emerita of Epidemiology at Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran. She is a dentist (DDS) holding a PhD in Epidemiology and 2 Masters degrees: Public Health (MPH) and Health Technology Assessment (HTA), the latter of which was obtained from Montreal University, Quebec, Canada and the rest from Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran. She has also taken a one-year sabbatical at Faculty of Dentistry, McGill University, Canada in 2003. 
Dr. Shariati was head of "Community Medicine Department" and established and directed “International Relations Department” at Faculty of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS). She also had collaborated with “Educational Development Center” at TUMS for several years. 
Dr. Shariati worked as statistician and methodology consultant at Iran Ministry of Health and conducted a few national research projects in the areas such as oral cancer, dental manpower estimation, and HIV expenditure. The last 2 projects were granted by the World Health Organization. She is interested in methodological aspects of epidemiology, critical thinking, health economics, and survival analysis. Her research project shortly titled “Economic Evaluations in Dentistry” and granted by Health Canada is published in Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology journal in 2014. 
Her teaching experience includes teaching “Principles of Epidemiology” and “Research Methodology” at Tehran University of Medical Sciences for more than 20 years as well as teaching “Oral Epidemiology” and “Community Service Learning” at UBC since 2009 and 2007, respectively. She has also worked at her private dental clinic and provided volunteer orthodontic treatments to underserved children in Iran for more than 10 years. She has been teaching as Clinical Dentist to dental hygiene students at Oral Health Clinic, UBC since 2010. 
In 2015, Dr. Shariati received financial support from the Center for Teaching and Learning Technologies , UBC to revise the “Oral Epidemiology” course in response to students’ concerns and comments and to align it with the Canadian National Dental Hygiene Certification Board competency framework. In the revised course, the student-student interactions increased substantially, and an innovative peer assessment method was applied for teamwork assignments. In the next year 2016, she received a Scholarship on Teaching and Learning from the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology at UBC to compare the experiences of students taking one of the two versions (before and after the course revision) of oral epidemiology. The results from the educational trial confirmed her experiences over the last quarter century from which she can conclude that “providing students with more time to absorb their learning, increasing interactivity, offering timely feedback, and integrating applicable exercises” go a long way to making online education, in all the health sciences, both productive and enjoyably fulfilling (Shariati B et al. Can J Dent Hyg. 2021; 55:17–29). 
She has been recipient of several awards, the most recent ones being six UBC Faculty of Dentistry Teaching Awards in 2012–2013 , 2014-2015 , 2016-2017, 2019-2020, 2020-2021, and 2021-2022 academic years.