Equity Diversity & Inclusion, Wellbeing, Professional Identity, Professionalism, COVID-19 Communication and Data, Progress Testing; Large-scale International Comparative Studies (e.g. TIMSS), Problem-Based Learning; Teacher Beliefs and Conceptions; College Science Teaching and Evaluation (physics and mathematics education); History and Philosophy of Science in Science Education; Science Curriculum Studies
Hybrid Teaching and Learning, Teacher and teaching/learners and learning, dental education research seminars, faculty development/program evaluation, Statistics
von Bergmann was a physics major while in Taiwan. She received a Ph.D. in Curriculum & Instruction focusing on Science Education from the University of Southern California, USA. She started conducting research in PBL dental education while at USC, working at the Craniofacial Molecular Biology Lab, in 1998. She joined the US National Research Center-TIMSS for five years after receiving her PhD, at the same time still continued mentoring and working with her USC colleagues in dental-ed research. In 2003, von Bergmann became a professor at the Faculty of Education at the University of Calgary. In Fall 2010, she became an Education Specialist at UBC Dentistry to (1) conduct and mentor educational research activities in the Faculty, and (2) design modules and professional development activities to enhance teaching capacity and students’ educational experiences.
Apart from mentoring and leading her faculty in strengthening its education research portfolio, in 2016, von Bergmann received a competitive and prestigious dental education fellowship, the ADEA/ADEA Gies Foundation Education Fellowship. She has been invited to give nearly 50 speeches and lectures (10 of which are keynote speeches) nationally and internationally. Since Fall-2010, arriving at UBC Dentistry, von Bergmann has received more than 30 grants as a PI or Co-PI. She has co-written a book, various book chapters, and published widely in peer-reviewed journals.
Recent Media Appearance:
Media Interview (Mandarin) March 8, 2022; Voice of America (VOA) journalist interviewed to understand the perspective of lack of gender equality or respect in China (a toothless woman was found chained up on her neck in rural China) https://www.voachinese.com/a/the-chained-woman-looked-at-from-the-outside-20220306/6472167.html
Media Interview (Cantonese/Mandarin) March 10, 2022; Omni TV to comment on data accuracy and moving forward to the provincial decision on cancellation of mask mandate in BC. https://www.omnitv.ca/on/yue-can/videos/專家對省府放寬防疫措施-看法不一-bc-mar-10-2022/
Media Interview (Cantonese/Mandarin) April, 4, 2022; Omni TV to comment on BC Health’s decision of only release COVID-19 cases weekly and cancellation on reporting system of the rapid antigen test in BC. https://www.omnitv.ca/on/en/videos/疾控中心不再要求省民上載快速測試陽性結果-bc-apr-04-2022/
Media Interview (Mandarin)June 13, 2022;中央社 Keynote Speaker (in English) in the Inaugural Forum held by the Taiwanese Students Association in Vancouver, Canada (首屆溫哥華台灣學生論壇) https://newtalk.tw/news/view/2022-06-13/769604
Media Interview (Mandarin) CNA (中央社), September 29, 2022. At the blink to collapse, Canadian Media advocates Canadian Health Looking at Taiwan’s Health Care for solutions. https://www.cna.com.tw/news/aopl/202209290204.aspx
Recent Publications:
Maragha, T., Garcia, AP., Shuler, CF, von Bergmann, HC. (2024) The six-domain well-being framework in oral health sciences: A pathway from theory to practice, J.Dent Educ., Feb., DOI: 10.1002/jdd.13401
Maragha, T., Shuler, CF, Walker, J., von Bergmann, HC. (2023). Thriving in foreign learning environments: The case of hands-on activities in early years of dental education. J.Dent Educ., November, https://doi.org/10.1002/jdd.13412
Maragha, T., Dempster, L., Shuler, C., Lee, V., Mendes, V., von Bergmann, H. (2023) Exploring students’ perspectives from two Canadian dental schools toward online learning experiences. J Dent Educ., March 27. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/jdd.13207
Tonogai, J., von Bergmann, H., Chvartszaid, D., Dempster, L (2023) Patient and clinician perspectives on implant dentistry decision aid content: results from an enhanced Delphi study. J. of Prosthodontics. DOI: 10.1111/jopr.13691
Perez A, Howey M, Green JL, Tavares Costa Nóbrega M, Kebbe M, Amin M, von Bergmann H, Ganatra S. (2023) Multiple cases in case-based learning: A qualitative description study. Eur J Dent Educ. 2023 Feb 12. doi: 10.1111/eje.12900. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36776122.
Maragha, T., Donnelly, L., Schuetz, C., von Bergmann, H., Brondani, M. (2022) Students’ Resilience and Mental Health in the Dental Curriculum, European Journal of Dental Education https://doi.org/10.1111/eje.12790
Adeniyi, A., Donnelly, L., Janssen, P., Jevitt, C., von Bergmann, H., Brondani, M. (2022) An interprofessional model of care for oral health during pregnancy. Journal of Interprofessional Care, https://doi.org/10.1080/13561820.2021.2017417
Johnson, V., Brondani, M., von Bergmann, H., Grossman, S. Donnelly, L., (2022) Dental Service and Resource Needs During COVID-19 among Underserved Populations. JDR Clinical Translational Research. DOI: 10.1177/23800844221083965
Mesbahi, A., von Bergmann, H., Yen, EHK, Mostafa, N., Soheilipour, S., Alkesjuniene, A. (2022) Theory-Guided Remote Cooperative Learning-Based Preventive Dental Education as Part of the School Curriculum. Journal of School Health. https://doi.org/10.1111/josh.13239
Shuler, CF, von Bergmann, H., (2021). Uncertainty as an Oral Health Professional: Beginning with Recognizing the Reality. Online Journal of Dentistry & Oral Health. DOI: 10.33552/OJDOH.2021.04.000592
Liu, He., Lai, WWM., Hieawy, A., Gao, Y., von Bergmann, H., Haapasalo, M., Tay, F.R., Shen, Y. (2021). Micro-computed Tomography Evaluation of Root Canal Filling Quality of Mandibular Molars Obturated for 54 Months. Journal of Endodontics https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joen.2021.08.015
Maragha, T., Donnelly L, Schuetz CG, von Bergmann H, Brondani, M (2021). Mental Health and Wellness in Canadian Dental Schools: Findings from a National Study. Journal of Dental Education. http://doi.org/10.1002/jdd.12768
Kwon, J., Shuler, C., von Bergmann, H. (2021). Professional Identity Formation: the Key Contributors and Dental Students’ Concerns. Journal of Dental Education. https://doi.org/10.1002/jdd.12810
Adeniyi, A., Donnelly, L., Janssen, P., Jevitt, C., von Bergman, H., & Brondani, M. (2020). A Qualitative Study of Health Care Providers’ Views on Integrating Oral Health into Prenatal Care. JDR Clinical & Translational Research. https://doi.org/10.1177/2380084420961998
Brondani M, Cua D, Maragha T, Shayanfar M, Mathu-Muju K, Almeida F, von Bergmann H, Villanueva J, Alvarado AAV, Learey S, Donnelly L. A Pan-Canadian narrative review on the protocols for reopening dental services during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC Oral Health 2020, 20, 352.
Zhu, Y. & von Bergmann, H. (2019). Bridging adult and health science education: A scoping literature review. Proceedings of the 38th Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education Annual Conference, June 2019, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Waldron, S., Walker, J., Kanji, Z., von Bergmann, H. (2019). Dental hygiene clinical instructors’ pedagogical beliefs and described practices about student-centered education. Journal of Dental Education, 83(9), 1019-1029; doi: 10.21815/JDE.019.106
von Bergmann, H., Shuler, CF. (2019). The culture of certainty in dentistry and its impact on dental education and practice., to be published in Journal of Dental Education, 83 (5), published online on March 25, 2019. JDE, 83(6), 609-613; DOI: https://doi.org/10.21815/JDE.019.075
von Bergmann HC (2018). Guest Editorial: Assessing the emerging scholarship of teaching of the Canadian Dental Schools. J Dent Educ, 82(1): 3-4. doi: 10.21815/JDE.018.001. http://www.jdentaled.org/content/82/1/3.full
von Bergmann, H., Childs R. (2018) When I Say…Validity Argument. Medical Education, 52, 1003-1004. doi:10.1111/medu.13592 April, 2018.
von Bergmann, H., Childs R. (2018) Creating a test blueprint for a progress testing program: a paired-comparisons approach. Medical Teacher, 40(3), 267-274; DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2017.1403015.
von Bergmann, H., Shuler, C.F., Yang, H., Kohler, D., Reynolds, CF, Best, L. Black, N., Richardson, J. Childs, R. (2018) Designing and Implementing a Competency-based Formative Progress Survey System. Journal of Dental Education, 82 (6), 565-574. June 2018.
von Bergmann, H., Walker, J,, Dalrymple, K.R., Shuler, C.F., (2017). "Dental faculty members' pedagogic beliefs and curricular aims in problem-based learning: An exploratory study." J. Dent Ed: 81(8), 937-947. http://www.jdentaled.org/content/81/8/937.full