Jolanta Aleksejuniene
Theory-based behavioural management, Evidence-based Practice, Caries risk assessment, ePortfolio learning, Oral Epidemiology
Faculty Profile
Salima S. Alibhai
Dental Hygiene Education;
Educational Research, Development and Curriculum;
Community, Preventive, and Public Health Dentistry;
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning with Emerging Technology;
Comprehensive Care and General Dentistry;
Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Care.
Faculty Profile
Fernanda Almeida
Obstructive sleep apnea, dental sleep medicine
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Diego Ardenghi
EDI, Educational Research, Qualitative Research, Digital Dentistry, Geriatrics and Prosthodontics
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Dieter Brömme
Proteases and their involvement in health and disease
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Mario Brondani
Dental Public Health (Marginalization, CBPR, Access to Care, Stigma); Dental Education (Community Service Learning, Reflective Journaling, Teaching Pedagogies, Social Responsibility); Dental Geriatrics (Undergraduate and Graduate Education, Access to care)
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Ross Bryant
Prosthodontics, Geriatrics, Patient-based assessments, Oral implants, Jawbone densitometry
Faculty Profile
Luana Carvalho
Clinical Research, Dental Materials, Nanofibers, Dental Adhesion, Bleaching and Educational Research
Faculty Profile
Ricardo M. Carvalho
Faculty Profile
Jeffrey M. Coil
Pulp Biology, Endodontic Materials
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Leeann Donnelly
Special Care Populations, Community Engagement, Community Oral Health Education and Program Development/Evaluation
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Dr. Anuja Doshi
Faculty Profile
Nancy L. Ford
Dr. Nancy Ford is a leader in respiratory-gated and cardiac-gated micro-CT imaging and in contrast-enhanced micro-CT. She was the first researcher worldwide to perform respiratory-gated micro-CT imaging on free-breathing animals. She has performed respiratory-gated imaging of lung injury in rats at the Canadian Light Source synchrotron facility, and radiation therapy treatment to the lung in mice at TRIUMF particle accelerator using the new FLASH irradiation platform. Dr. Ford also pursues research in dental radiology, including characterizing and optimizing the imaging performance for different tasks and measuring the radiation dose delivered to patients during dental conebeam CT and panoramic imaging.
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Mohamed Gebril
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Daniel Graf
Faculty Profile
Renata Grazziotin
Endodontics - materials and techniques, digital technologies, micro-CT and synchrotron images. Dental Education - confidence/competence, mind-mapping, critical and creative pedagogies, visual methodologies, and arts-based research.
Faculty Profile
Lari Häkkinen
Cell and Molecular Biology of Wound Healing
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Ahmed Hieawy
Faculty Profile
Zul Kanji
Program and curriculum evaluation; teaching & learning innovations; interprofessional education; student wellbeing; student retention/success in higher education
Faculty Profile
Hugh Kim
Biochemical signalling mechanisms that regulate platelet function
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Carrie Krekoski
Educational policy and practice in the health professions; interprofessional education and collaborative practice; student and faculty well-being and resilience in higher education
Faculty Profile
Hannu S. Larjava
keratinocyte integrins and wound healing; periodontal proteoglycans
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Denise Laronde
Oral cancer screening; oral epithelial dysplasia; malignant transformation; risk prediction; access to care for oral health services; head and neck cancer survivorship, natural history of oral cancer
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Vincent Lee
Dental Education
Faculty Profile
David MacDonald
Dr. MacDonald's main research areas are systematic review in diagnostic radiology and Barrett's oesophagus, radiological pathology of the face and jaws (including incidental findings), scleroderma, educational research in radiology, infection control and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). The Barrett's review has been adopted by the NHS in the UK. He was radiology lead in the CIHR Canada-wide study on scleroderma, the largest yet to date. Other largest –to-date case series are of incidental findings on dental panoramic radiographs and on lateral cephalograms, and on lymphomas of the jaws. Furthermore, the largest case series that displayed CBCT superiority over conventional radiography with regards, to diagnostic and therapeutic impacts (high tiers on Fryback and Thornbury’s 6-tier hierarchy for the efficacy of diagnostic imaging) in endodontics.
The 2003/2004 SARS pandemic coincided with Dr. MacDonald’s arrival at UBC and the building of the Oral Health Centre. As a result the infection control of all digital radiographic systems was optimised, including the intraoral phosphor-plate bagging system. Dr. MacDonald, at the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic played a lead role in radiology’s response. He was lead author of the 2021 AAOMR’s guidelines and was invited to update them in 2022’s Int. Dent. J’s ‘New normal radiology’ in order to assist the global dental profession’s return to offering as full a service to their patients.
Faculty Profile
Dr. Mary MacDougall
molecular mechanisms associated with epithelial mesenchymal interactions, identification of critical signaling pathways, matrix formation and biomineralization
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Adriana P. Manso
Dental adhesion and adhesives; stability of dentin-resin interfaces; development of novel antifouling resins; photosensitive dental materials; resin composite biomodifications; dental cements; UBC Materials and Manufacturing Research Institute, Academic Member
Faculty Profile
Kavita Mathu-Muju
Public Health Dentistry, Clinical Pediatric Dentistry
Faculty Profile
Ian Matthew
Dental Education, biomaterials
Faculty Profile
Christopher M. Overall
Proteomics, degradomics, Human Proteome Project, proteases, Zoonotic Viruses, COVID-19, One Health, MMPs, anti-viral immunity, innate immunity
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Ben Pliska
Facial growth and development, sleep medicine
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Catherine Poh
Community Screening and Management of High Risk Oral Precancers; Visualization Tool-Guided Surgery Approach for High Risk Oral Precancers; Molecular Targets for Intervention of High-Risk Oral Precancers
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Edward E. Putnins
Regulation of Epithelial Cell Proliferation, Migration, and Survival; Regulation of Epithelial Cell Behavior During Chronic Inflammatory Challenges; Bone Marrow Stem Cells
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Joy M. Richman
Craniofacial development, cleft lip and palate, tooth development, reptile tooth replacement, developmental biology
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Jessica Rosin
Dr. Rosin's research aims to understand how distinct populations of embryonic phagocytes (e.g., macrophages, osteoclasts, etc.) signal to nearby cells during embryogenesis to contribute to normal craniofacial development. Her research program also aims to determine how maternal challenge, such as infection, acts through phagocytes to negatively impact nearby cells/stem cells and alter normal developmental programs to result in craniofacial disruptions.
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N. Dorin Ruse
Biomaterials; Surface Characterization; Fracture mechanics; Fatigue; Finite element modeling/analysis; Structure-Properties Relationship
Faculty Profile
Ya Shen
Nickel titanium instruments; dental materials; Oral biofiolms
Faculty Profile
Charles F. Shuler
Craniofacial development, oral carcinogenesis and gene therapy
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Shimae Soheilipour
Evidence-Based Dentistry and Guideline Implementation in Dental Settings, Oral Health Promotion, Dental Health Informatics, Infection Prevention Practices in Dental Settings
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Randa Soussou
Faculty Profile
Rana Tarzemany
- Cellular and molecular biology
- Oral wound healing
- Scar formation
- Simulation Technology in Periodontal Surgery
- Digital Implant Dentistry
Faculty Profile
Nicholas Tong
Geriatric Dentistry, Hospital Dentistry, Dental education in geriatric dentistry, Oral Health in Long-Term Care facilities
Faculty Profile
HsingChi von Bergmann
Professional Identity, Professionalism, Equity Diversity & Inclusion, Wellbeing, COVID-19 Communication and Data, Progress Testing; Teacher Beliefs and Conceptions; Inquiry-Based Learning, Large-scale International Comparative Studies (e.g. TIMSS), College Science Teaching and Evaluation (physics and mathematics education); History and Philosophy of Science in Science Education; Science Curriculum Studies
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Sid Vora
Genetic, epigenetic, and environmental influences on craniofacial growth and development using animal models, human data, and 3D morphometrics
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Eli Whitney
Critical thinking skills development, curriculum review and development
Faculty Profile
Chris Wyatt
Prosthodontics, Geriatrics, Dental Disease Prevention, Oral Health Promotion
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Edwin H.K. Yen
Cellular and tissue response to orthodontic force systems
Faculty Profile
Lewei Zhang
The long term goal of my research is to characterize in stage-specific fashion the key genetic and phenotypic changes, and the relevant cell alterations in oral premalignant lesions with a higher potential for malignant transformation.
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Bingshuang Zou
Faculty Profile