EndoSequence: Design & Structure

EndoSequence is a rotary NiTi instrument with a triangular cross section with sharp reamer-type cutting edges. Each EndoSequence instruments has a constant taper throughout the working area, tapers 04 and 06 are available. The instruments have a self-centering and rounded tip.
The instrument design includes "alternate contact points" (ACP’s) along the shank of the instrument. Despite of constant taper, ACP should result in reduced contact area during preparation, which according to the manufacturer helps keeping the file centered in the canal and reduces the torque requirements of the file. To further reduce risk for screw effect, the EndoSequence file has both variable pitch and variable helical angles.
Like the RaCe rotary file, EndoSequence file has been subjected to the process of electro polishing, which can be detected by the glossy surface of the metal. According to the manufacturer electro polishing improves the physical properties of the instrument.

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