True | False |
Epidemiological studies can be used to describe the health status of a population |
Epidemiological studies cannot be used to describe the disease status of a population |
Epidemiological studies can help to estimate future risk for disease occurrence in of a population |
Epidemiological studies can identify only minor causes for disease in a population |
Epidemiological studies can detect social and psychological but not medical or biological factors affecting health |
Epidemiological studies can find out the probability of positive effect by a specific treatment |
Epidemiological studies can reveal reasons for differences in the effect between different treatments |
Descriptive epidemiology uses case-control studies |
Descriptive epidemiology cannot help to build a basis for health care planning |
Analytical epidemiology can help to form a basis for specific interventions |
Studies in descriptive epidemiology can be retrospective |
Studies in descriptive epidemiology can be prospective |
Ramdomness in sampling is usually not important for representativeness of an epidemiological study |
Prevalence of apical periodontitis stays constant with increasing age |
Prevalence of apical periodontitis is over 10% in people over 60 years |
The success rate of treatment of apical periodontitis can be over 90 % |
Succes rate in the treatment of apical periodontitis is not related to the quality of apical seal |
Short root fillings can cause reduced prognosis |
Epidemiological studies have related overfillings to reduced prognosis |
Prevalence of apical periodontitis is higher than prevalence of marginal periodontitis (pocket > 5.5 mm) |