Tooth discolorations

Tooth discolouration can be caused by a variety of external and internal factors. Systemic causes, such as tetracycline discolouration affect several teeth as do such external factors as heavy metals in drinking water. Localised, single discolouration is usually caused by local pathological or iatrogenic factors, some of which indicate possible pulpal involvement. Typical local causes for tooth discolouration include caries, old leaking fillings, corrosion products from old fillings, pulpal necrosis, cervical resorption and internal resorption.
Dental trauma causing bleeding in the pulp can lead to staining of dental hard tissues. The staining usually begins as pink/red discolouration that gradually turns grey. The staining is caused, to a great extent, by haemosiderin pigment from lysed red blood cells.
In previously root filled teeth discolouration may be caused by necrotic tissue remnants in pulp horns, silver-containing root canal sealers, possibly other chemicals from sealers, root filling cements containing resorcin formalin, and corrosion products from root canal posts.
The reason for discolouration of tooth structure must always be investigated.