Rubber dam: Precautions

Precautions in use of rubber dam are related to the following areas: 1) allergy to latex, 2) gaining a tight seal, 3) clamp positioning, and 4) patients with distress and mental disorders.

1. Allergy. An increasing number of patients are allergic to latex. Use of normal latex dam for such patients may induce even life-threatening reactions. Alternative materials are available and should be used whenever there is doubt about latex allergy.

2. Tight seal. Gaining a tight seal can usually be accomplished with simple routines, dental floss is a good tool for ensuring a good seal. In difficult cases, additional sealing materials may be used.

3. Clamp should be positioned in such a way that it is stable and does not cause damage to neighbouring tissues such as gingival. Too tight clamps may sometimes cause fractures in fragile teeth if used carelessly.

4. Anxious patients. Rubber dam is well accepted by most patients and actually guarantees a peaceful working period for both parts. It is useful to carefully explain the patient why and how rubber dam is used and how it feels beforehand. Sometimes local anaesthetics may be used to help to calm anxious patients.

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