
Treatment of apical periodontitis in tooth with a furcation perforation and a fractured instrument in the mesial canal. Treatment of a necrotic tooth with a fractured instrument in the distal canal.
Bleaching of tooth 21 stained after trauma and root canal therapy. Instument fracture in the mesiobuccal root of tooth 26 with pulpitis.
Treatment of tooth 25 with acute apical periodontitis and obliterated canals; treatment of perforation. Vertical root fracture in a lower incisor previously treated for pulpitis.
Endodontic treatment of mesial root perforation during post space preperation. Retreatment of tooth 12 with a horisontal root fracture close to the marginal bone.
Instrument fracture in the treatment of acute apical periodontitis. Endodontic treatment of vital a tooth 45. Transportation because of incorrect preparation and correction of the problem.
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