Spreading Infections: Treatment

spreading deeper into the tissues (e.g. at the floor of the mouth) are potentially
dangerous and can quickly become life-threatening. They are generally more
difficult to diagnose than local abscesses. Reduced general health status,
fever, diffuse pain, swelling, and difficulty in swallowing are symptoms that
should always be taken seriously as these may be indications of a spreading
Because of the potential risks associated with spread of deep infections,
the patient should be referred for specialist treatment, preferably to hospital.
The treatment often includes surgery to localise the abscess/infection, establishing
an effective drainage, and systemic antibiotics in high doses. Bacteriological
samples and sensitivity testing of the isolates comprises part of treatment.
Endodontic treatment should be started as soon as possible, with cleaning
and shaping being completed at the first visit, and the canal filled with
calcium hydroxide.