Master point radiograph

The master gutta-percha (GP) point radiograph is always taken before root filling unless there is a special reason not to take one. GP points corresponding to the preparation size are placed in the canals to the preparation length. In short teeth the points may be cut shorter with scissors so that the rubber dam does not move the points during radiography. The rubber dam is partly detached from the frame to allow placement of the film. Endo-ray or corresponding film holders are optimal for the radiograph. The paralleling technique should be used whenever possible. In multirooted teeth overlapping of roots/canals often occurs, therefore more than one master point radiograph may be indicated. If the radiograph shows that the master points are short of the desired length or too long, then adjustment of the preparation or GP is performed before root filling. When major adjustment of the preparation length is needed, a new master point radiograph will probably be required before filling.