Gutta condensor

Gutta condenser is one of the oldest of the present warm gutta-percha technics. Heat is created by friction as condenser instruments that resemble upside down Hedstroem files are driven in the canal on the gutta-percha point at a speed of 8000 - 10.000 rpm. The master point with sealer is placed in the canal to the correct length and a compactor with a corresponding size is inserted (non-working) between the point and the canal wall. The rotation in the contra-angle creates heat and the condenser design guarantees apical and lateral flow of the gutta-percha in a couple of seconds. One master point is usually enough to fill the whole canal because all gutta-percha is driven into the canal. Overfillings do not seem to be a problem with this technics when properly used, but it is not well suited for curved canals.

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