Obtura II

Obtura II is a popular warm gutta-percha technic that uses a "gun" to warm and inject the gutta-percha filling into the root canal. Gutta-percha is heated up to ca. 160 C, but at the time the gutta-percha flow out into the canal through narrow silver needles, the temperature has decreased almost by a hundred degrees and is ca. 60 C. Obtura II is particularly suitable for back filling when the most apical canal has already been filled with another technic. The needles to inject the gutta-percha are rather thick and cannot be used in the smallest canals close to the apex. Careful condensation with hand instruments is necessary to compensate shrinkage of the gutta-percha mass as much as possible. Large, irregularly shaped root canals and resorption cavities are special indications for a warm gutta-percha technic like Obtura II.

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