Lateral condensation

Cold lateral condensation is the golden standard of all root filling technics. It is typically used as a reference technics when new root filling materials and technics are tested in endodontics. In lateral condensation, the master cone corresponding the size of the apical preparation is first placed into the canal with sealer. The master cone is then condensed with spreaders that penetrate to the close proximity of the apex. Because of its plasticity, gutta-percha is packed against the canal wall and place for accessory gutta-percha points is simultaneously created with the spreader. Spreader condensing and new accessory points follow each other until the whole canal is tightly filled and the spreader fails to penetrate into the canal for more than 1 - 2 mm. Excess gutta-percha is removed from the pulp chamber with a warm instrument and the coronal root filling is pressed with a plugger.

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